I was just saying the other day that I'm smart even though I don't always act like it. On occasion being smart bites you in the ass. For example at work I one or two times fixed a computer problem. Now I am basically an IT person. I do not like doing IT work, I'm not particularly good at it. I can figure basic things out but anything involving a Server just forget it. Frankly I'm terrified of servers because my brain can't quite comprehend how they work, I know that is silly but it is just the way my brain is on this particular matter. I suppose I could figure out what to do on a home server but when it comes to a server at work that houses all our backed up data etc.. I don't really want to mess with it. I mentioned that I am stressed out at work because I have a whole crap ton of stuff that I need to do and I just didn't have the time to help a co-worker with her computer. I asked a specific person repeatedly to help her, someone who knows a lot more than me. He kept on saying yes and then not helping. Finally I gave up, stopped all of my work to help the coworker. I finally got some help from the original person who then starting saying things like "oh, you shouldn't have done that way, you should have done it this way" This made me so furious. That person at one point said, sure I could help, but Megan can do it too... so I did... and then they didn't like how I did it. You know what would have solved this? DOING IT YOURSELF!!!!!

I'm clearly emotional today. Back hurts, migraine possibly starting, still sick and am overwhelmed with work. Le sigh.....

I also didn't take particularly interesting pictures today. So you get the one I took of my bruised hand. My hand is bruised simply because they took blood from it on Monday. I guess it is better to take it from your arm so you can cover it up. 

picture a day #24

I've had kind of a stressful week. I've been sick, I managed to hurt my back something fierce yesterday and I work at a job where when factories shut down for Chinese New Year it is a major deal. I've been so slammed with work that I can't even think about being sick while I'm at typing up purchase orders like a crazy woman and I just have to power through because I'm the only one who can get my portion of work done. I'm a very smart person. I don't always show that I'm intelligent, in fact I would rather make a silly comment and have you think I'm cute than to say something smart and have you think the remark is stupid. I also know for a fact that I am not showing how smart I am on this blog. I don't spell check, I use run on sentences and I love commas to the point where I put them where the probably don't even make sense. Eh, It is my blog so my rules. I'm definitely more a stream of consciousness person and I write that way too. If I were to compare I would be someone more likely to write Mrs. Dalloway than.... IT. yup, random comparison but there ya go. 

Why is my blog entry today called amusement? Oh right, I was getting there. Even though I've had several stressful days I am still easily amused. Take these three photos that I just took... they made me giggle like crazy.. cuz I'm silly. 

photo a day #23

This is one of my hamsters. Her name is Sue and I really wanted to take an adorable photo. Here she is running away from me

photo a day #23.2

Here is sue entirely too close to the camera

photo a day #23.3

This is when I got fed up of her running everywhere and tried to hold her.
Trying to get these photos was amusing to me. There were actually a lot more photos than this. I find that my biggest stress reliever is looking at cute pictures of animals. I know a lot of people share this with me. I even have an entire Pinterest board devoted to cute animals, in fact I joined Pinterest just to make that board. I love animals so much that Hans even sends me random pictures of squirrels and cats when he sees something that he thinks I will adore. That is love right there. I feel happier right now than I have all day simply by trying to take these photos of my cutie Sue. I hope that these photos also make you happy. Giggle with glee y'all! Life is a party full of the most adorable animals. 
I've been sick.. which has been the cause of most of my missed posts which is fair. I think sickness is a fair reason to miss what was to be a daily goal. Today I decided to stay home from work and take a little trip to Urgent Care.. and by little I mean I was there from 11 am to 1:30 pm. When I walked in the place was so packed that there were only 3 chairs left in the entire place. Most of the people who walked in behind me had to split up or stand or walk out. I have a primary care physician in the same building as this urgent care center but my doctor is so rude that I can't stand to go back to her. Ya know.. I'm going to call her out by name.. do not see Dr. Stankovik at the Lakeside Community Health Center in Burbank. I now know two other people who have been to her with the same results. She walks out of the room before you are done talking and loves to fix you with writing a prescription you do not need. She is terrible! Anyhoo, back to Urgent Care... it was a long wait, but I do appreciate their ability to do blood tests right in their facility and give me results immediately. It was however a waste of my day. I have a viral infection that they can't do anything about. So three viles of blood later and diddly squat. Grr... Although I suppose it is good to confirm once again that I am not diabetic. That is in the plus column. I did take photos while I was waiting.. burned through and entire cell phone battery out of sheer boredom. Have fun with these photos:

photo a day #21

This sign has amused me on a number of occasions in this urgent care facility. Mostly because I'm bored and have nothing else to look at while I'm in the room. My initials happen to be MEC so that is the main reason while I have a tiny chuckle. Why? I don't know. Sometimes I'm just a little simple

photo a day #21.2

The nurse with terrible bedside manner asked me if I had ever had blood drawn. I'm shocked that this would have been her first question. Maybe I've just been to the doctor too often. After expressing that I prefer blood to be taken from my left arm she proceeded to lay all of her equipment on my lap and tie up my arm. She dropped things on the floor and left the band on my arm for so long that I started to feel like I was going to pass out. She finally said.. "do you want this taken from your hand?" I just said sure because my entire arm was turning colors. In all honesty it hurt a lot less from my hand but this nurse was just awful. She kept on mumbling and putting things on my lap or my legs. Seemed a bit unprofessional. I don't really mind being at the doctor, I don't care a lot about needles but damn... having someone take blood is really painful and I feel like I often have someone who is really stupid and ends up hurting me or bothering me more than they should. 

photo a day #21.3

This is when they left me in the room after stabbing my finger to check on my blood sugar levels to make sure I wasn't diabetic. I don't know why exactly it needed to be my middle finger but I'm delighted I could have this photo because this is pretty much what I'm thinking most of the time at urgent care after the wait. Nah,. I'm not really that bitter or annoyed, but it is a lot more fun for this photo. 

Now some people did see me over the weekend in varying degrees of sickness. I did make it to both my auditions (did ok on both, but I do wonder if it was a solid call)  and I was able to go out to see the show in Anaheim  but damn was I feeling like crap which is why I decided to see a doctor today. But recently I've been doing the same thing. I wait so long to go to the doctor that I'm already on the mend when I force myself to go. It isn't that I dislike doctors it is just that I have been to the doctor so much in my life because I seem to have the worst immune system ever that I'm actually trying to make my body fight instead of immediately turning to antibiotics. As much as antibiotics are amazing, I think there are some definite immunity problems that arise when you have it too often. As a child I got strep throat multiple times a year. It was honestly ridiculous how much I had it. It was finally recommended when I was 20 that my tonsils should come out. It was one of the best and most painful decisions of my life. I wouldn't say I'm less sick but some of my symptoms aren't as bad now when I get ill. No tonsils swollen to the size of golf balls for me anymore, which is awesome. Unfortunately with my tonsils gone it makes it a little harder for some doctors to deduce what is wrong with me because tonsils tend to be majorly effected when a person is sick. In college I had gone to the medical center on campus and a doctor went to prescribe me the same medicine that I had already taken 3 times in a row in the past 4 months. I finally said "No" the doctor was really impressed by me. I think all of the doctors gave me the same generic antibiotic because they really didn't know what was wrong with me. I remember being so proud of myself in that moment refusing medication and then having the doctor actually agree with me was pretty fucking great. I'm trying to take more of a drivers seat with my health lately. I think I'm succeeding because I'm finally finding doctors who care about me and I feel comfortable talking to them. I also am trying to question more often why I'm being given a medication. I think I'm getting handle on things. Now I just need to exercise more, eat better and figure out what I'm allergic to and I shall be golden. Golden I say!

I have been fighting some sort of cold or flu or I don't know what for about a week now..maybe two. I thought I was winning for the most part but I've had a terrible lack of appetite, tired and generally feeling run down. Some of that has to do with a previous post I made because it is just kind of heart breaking but there is definitely some virus or something trying to make a home in my body right now. Past two mornings I've woken up covered in sweat and am having major issues focusing. Yesterday I didn't blog because I fell asleep at around 8. I keep on having toast for two meals a day because I don't have much of an appetite which is great for my waistline but probably not so great for everything else. 

I was so sick when I got up this morning that I didn't even think I could make it through the weekend let alone a day. I did make it through and I'm blogging like a good girl but I can only image how awful I'm going to feel tomorrow. Everyone reading this cross your fingers that I'm going to feel better.

Today I had an audition for a company that I think would be great to work with. It is a production that not only pays but would give me credit towards being in Equity which would be super awesome. I was so weak this afternoon though that I thought I was going to fall on my face when I walked in the room because standing seemed to be difficult because I was just so out of it. I made buddies with the moderator, made it very clear I wasn't feeling well in case his opinion mattered in anyway and went into the room and did my best. In a kind of interesting mess up I was given the wrong sides. I did really not very good at the side I prepared and kicked ass at the one that was handed to me minutes before going in to the room. I also was required to sing some opera a capella which sounded fucking fantastic in that tiny ass room and I think I detected a look of joyful shock. Even though I felt crappy the audition went really well. I'm not sure I have ever felt that welcomed and had them look so intensely at me. Intense in a good way though, as if they were carefully evaluating me instead of what has become the norm of just... oh god... another person.. scribble, scribble, judge, move on. I have no idea if this is something I will get a call back on but I feel good for going out and auditioning for new people. 

Going along with being sick I was really sad that tonight was the night that Hans and I had tickets for "How To Train Your Dragon" at the Honda Center. I was scared I wasn't going to make it through or I was just going to be flat out miserable. I managed to pull myself together and we had a good time. We also went with JJ and Annette whom I am incredibly fond of. The Living Social deal that we all purchased was also a great deal. Not only did we get the tickets for a good price but we got a voucher for a soda, a light up medallion and a souvenier mug. We ended up checking to see how much the mug was at one of the kiosks and it was $15.00 so it was a pretty damn good deal. The seats were a little high up but I can't possibly see how that was actually bad. We had a great time. The show itself was a tad slow simply because it is difficult to work around moving giant dragons on and off stage so sometimes there were filler dialogue and action that was a little boring. Those dragons are pretty fucking cool though. Plus there are a lot of other technical elements that are well executed. There was on part that was very much like a human being in a video game world. I thought it was completely unnecessary but it was a way to show off some cool graphics. I think it is worth a look just to see the dragons. 

The arena did allow you to take photos of the show but mine didn't turn out to great... but it is photo a day.. here are the ones I took:

photo a day #19

This is how the area looked when we walked in

photo a day #19.2

The lights went down about half way and then we had to wait at least another 10 to 15 minutes for the show to start

photo a day #19.3

This is the light up medallion and my absolute favorite photo I took.

photo a day #19.4

This was our souvenir mug. It was way better than the shitty plastic we all expected, but it was seriously sharp in some areas. This was Hans demonstrating how the wings could stab you in the eyes if you weren't careful. Perfect thing to give to a child right???
All in all the day went well. Plus Scout is back home. Things are complete. Now I'm going to jump into bed and hopefully have a wonderfully restful sleep. I just want to wake up tomorrow and feel better so I can nail my Neverwhere audition. Actually the audition can go crappy if that means I am suddenly in super good health. I think I would make that trade. 
I went to the dentist today for the first time in awhile. I have had the same dentist since I was a little girl. He is basically the family dentist and my mom and dad still go there.. unfortunately that dentist is in Thousand Oaks and it was taking too much time to drive down there just to get my teeth cleaned. I essentially had to take an entire day off work to drive there, get my cleaning and exam done, inevitably have my mom show up at my appointment to say hi and then drive home etc... 

On one hand I will miss going there. Since I grew up with him there was a highly bizarre dynamic. I don't know when it started but at some point he deemed me adult enough to start having regular conversations over my head to the hygienist in the room. Some of the conversations were admittedly weird but I didn't mind. I found it amusing. I think I must have been a little like family to him because his daughter is about the same age as me and also named Megan. I took this as part of the many reasons why I could talk to him openly about things. It's not often that you feel so comfortable with your dentist that you can say "stop being a dick" when he well.. frankly is being a dick. I believe I have also told him to fuck off. hmm.. probably not a good thing. My sister thought he was a pedophile and a terrible dentist. moving on...

It took me a long time to actually find a new dentist. I had posted on facebook some time  ago and two separate people suggested the same person. It took me a long time to call the office but I'm really glad I did. Wonderful staff, nice office, chairs that are comfortable and just generally a good vibe. I had a super good experience and I can't say enough nice things. If you're looking for a new dentist talk to me and I will give all the wonderful details. 

Yeah.. sorry not that interesting but I've seriously been talking non-stop about how great this dentist is all day. Why am I not putting the name? because if you ask me I can give you a referral card and with that card you get a good deal on your first visit and I get money towards my treatments... pretty sweet deal all around. :)

Ugh.. I'm also just so tired that words are not making sense to me.. anyhoo... I've got photos for this blog... multiple dumb photos...

It is nice to have a friend within walking distance, you get to hang out, walk to eat dinner and sometimes after such activities you can take care of some essentials like stopping at walgreens to get eye drops for allergies because you want to scratch your eyeballs out of their sockets... umm yeah... so this walgreens is on the way and it is awful... just awful.  But here are some fun photos...well I use the word fun loosely here

photo a day #17

as I came out of the restroom Ari and Hans were having a very animated conversation about this ice cream. It irked them that there were parenthesis around a pun that made no sense to this ice cream... they stated that it made no sense based on the parenthesis and puns use on the other ice creams such as:

photo a day #17.2

this ice cream clearly has paranthesis that explain what the ice cream is. Why on earth does the chocolate icea cream say it is beary tasty when there is no berries in it? or is there berries in it? how the hell do I know because it doesn't tell me on the box like everything else???

personally I couldn't care one way or another, the little ice cream animals amused me enough to look past their clearly terrible marketing team. Plus I was also still so horrified by the ladies bathroom.. what? you would like proof that the ladies bathroom was discusting... well here you go

photo a day #17.3

no towels, no soap, trash can moved for some odd reason, weird unidetified wipes on the ground with brown stuff on them, not to mention that the toilet was filled with paper and the ground was wet and dirty. So gross. 

why do I write about these things? I couldn't really say. I'm too tried to function properly and I should know better than to leave my blog until the evening. but really... who is reading this? Oh right HI COREY!!!!!

aaaaaaannnnnd GOODNIGHT!!!

sooooo... I missed blogging yesterday.... but I don't feel bad about it. Yesterday was the day of birthday parties and events. I was also dangerously close to not blogging today either. 

Yesterday I had the honor of going to a house warming for a delightful couple. I've known them since college and I both happy and unbelievably jealous of their home. Great space with a beautiful kitchen and pool in the back with a cabana! The kitchen and the backyard is really what got me. I long for a house. Something to really call my own. It isn't in the cards right now and it isn't necessarily a logical choice at this stage in my life but gosh darn I want one. I enjoy our apartment but I could do without the elevator that might trap you, the guy who smokes so much outside of his apartment that opening our front door often results in me coughing and the crazy cat lady who is well... crazy and happens to own two cats that we will gladly take in if she decides to pick up and leave them here. I guess I just really want choices. I want to paint my walls and hang up stuff with actual nails and not worry that at some point we may not get back the security deposit or that taking things down will be a total pain in the ass. I took a photo while I was at the party and oddly enough it wasn't actually of the house, but of some very interesting art on the wall. 

photo a day #12

I really enjoyed this to the point where I took 3 pictures and I just used an andorid app called photo grid to combine my photos. What may be hard to tell is that this is made out of license plates. It is really quite awesome. Also while standing around, wishing I had my own home and wondering if I should have another party snack I decided to try to snap a candid photo of a friend and his son, who is the most well behaved child I have ever encountered as well as the best dressed

photo a day 12.2

Look at this adorable father/son moment (wish the little guy still on his fetching hat for this photo). This kid is freaking adorable, this is the kind of kid that as a woman just makes your ovaries hurt. Luckily there were so many kids at the party that the feeling was squished pretty fast :) 

I'm not one for saying I want children. But every once in awhile a kid just comes along and you go.. oh! being a parent must be awesome. Ok... done with the talk of children. 

After becoming severely claustrophobic as more people arrived to enjoy in the good fortune of a new home I came home and went on the most amazing cleaning binge. I have actually been cleaning like a madwoman for the past several days and I am so incredibly proud of my accomplishments. The only reason I stopped cleaning yesterday was so I could go to a birthday party. I was so into cleaning that it almost seemed unreasonable that I would leave my apartment to do something that wasn't cleaning. But of course I had a good time. Hugs, conversations, singing happy birthday, sharing tater tots, 3 beers and a cupcake later and I was absolutely beat. A good beat though. It was good to get out and be around friends. It's also wonderful to know that if a friend gets groped by some perv that just about all of us are ready to go after that guy for being out of line. We never did find him but don't mess with me or my friends. We may not hang out one on one all the time but we are part of a theater company who loves one another and will stand up for a person when they are in need and honestly sometimes even when they aren't in need. hmm.. pretty bad ass group of people if I do say so myself. 

I was able to sleep in today and was sad to say I woke up with a stuffy nose and a sore throat. I've been battling something for several weeks. I think my immune system is trying to fight off everyone's germs and some days are just better than others. I stayed in pretty much all day and wasn't able to start a class today that I wanted to... but it gave me more time for cleaning. I got 4 loads of laundry done and I finally went through every single magazine I had stacking up and looked through and pulled out articles and chucked everything else. It was a wonderful feeling to get rid of them. I feel like I have been a major cleaning rockstar all weekend. But I couldn't be this freaking awesome without the doxie scanner I wrote about the other day and this:

Photo a day #13

the most boring photo ever
My scanner! We are like total BFFs. I bought this several years ago at this point and it was one of the best purchases. All weekend long I have been a shredding like a mad woman and I couldn't be prouder of myself. 

You have no idea how immensely proud I am for doing all this work. It probably doesn't seem like a lot because I'm trying not to bore you with details but this is a good thing. A very very good thing. Like weight off my shoulders, breathe easier kind of good. My project doesn't stop here though. I'm going through every folder I have and am seriously thinking about what I need and what I don't. I did this a while back but got overwhelmed and kept a lot of things and shredded a few things I wish I hadn't. It was cathartic to shred cards from old friends on one hand and on the other I will never have those again to look at, I won't have some of the kind words they said to me. But I also won't need to relive the memory of one or two of those people being full of shit. I should have kept them or  at least scanned the ones that were important but I was just in a panic and needed stuff to go. Le sigh...  I gotta remember.. I can't keep everything.. just keep chanting: I will not be a hoarder, I will not be a hoarder and breeeeeaaaathe.....

btw... when writing a blog I do not suggest writing it after a large mug of sleepy time tea. I am not sure I will remember this blog tomorrow. Oh well.. goodnight folks!!!

Yesterday I had a pretty good day filled with random fun in an otherwise normal day. I really truly should not be surprised that today was a crappy day. I have a cause of the blues. It didn't start that way and I tried hard to fight it but gosh darn it I really just couldn't. 

I woke up and I was sweating like crazy to the point where I wondered if I had a fever because I was so hot.. took my temp.. perfectly normal but something was not right. Took a bath which is something I have never done in the morning.. ever.. still felt crappy, laid down on the bed for a few minutes.. still crappy.. Well  by this time I either needed to leave asap or be late. I got dressed quickly and had no time to eat breakfast or do anything with my hair. Luckily I finally remembered during this winter season that I own a bunch of hats so I put on a beanie which has been quite wonderful to wear today especially since windpocolypse decided to happen mid day. At least I was really lucky that I made my lunch the night before and was able to grab a new snack that I found at the store. I even made it to work on time so the day was still ok-ish. 

I eat my tasty treat which is my first photo of the day:

photo a day # 10

omg these were delicious. They were soft and very flavorful. Banana Chocolate chip. Only 99 calories for 1... too bad I ate all 4.
Those little muffins could have been terrible but they were quite good and I at least got something in my stomach for breakfast. Now they did get my fingers messy so I went to the kitchen to wash up and when I went to dry my hands I was greeted with this:

photo a day #10.2

That was printed on the paper towel. It is Bounty brand and I eventually realized there was some sort of gardening theme but seriously? that is just the wrong kind of message and really should be avoided in a world full of crazy ass killers. I must say it actually made me feel really weird for several hours. I knew I was being somewhat ridiculous but it really colored my day. 

Blah blah blah.. normal work stuff...

Then out of nowhere the girl who is leaving next week because she is moving to another state finally hands me work that I will be taking over. In an already overwhelming week, I was not prepared to be just handed this stuff today. I mean I wondered when but geez.. give a girl some warning. This work which used to be my job has changed a bit. There are few things that get entered in a different way than I'm used to so something that should have taken me a couple minutes each took me 30 minutes for 4. I felt so stupid and finally decided to admit that I was struggling and I wouldn't get it done today but I really wanted to try to do it on my own. So I admitted it via email, got a response, which then I responded to trying to say that I knew I was offered help but I just needed to try to do this on my own first. Fast forward 3 hours and suddenly it is a huge deal where she is telling the owner about it and saying " megan, what's there not to understand" "you did this before I seriously doubt I need to re-teach you this".. I tried to explain and then there was "so you're telling me you know nooothing about these purchase orders" and again I tried to explain and it was useless. As you can see she was kind of rude and made me feel supremely stupid in front of the owner of the company who was honestly very nice about it but I just spent the rest of my day going over it in my head... should I have not said anything?, should I have stood up for myself more? idk... but this happens all the time. I do not do well with other women who are super full of authority. I just can't get my words across. I went back to my desk and just felt like. I felt like crying which made me feel worse because honestly it isn't that big of a deal but any time someone makes me feel stupid I get like this. It is just about the worst thing someone could do to me. 
I ended up finishing everything I was supposed to do and told the coworker to check my work because I had said that I wanted to do that when we were talking to the owner. I could tell she probably was not pleased with this but the other owner was in the room so she played nice. 
I'm basically a wuss. 
I can tell I am in a really bad funk because usually when I road rage at people it goes something like this:

"you stupid piece of shit, why don't you get the fuck out of my way before I run over your fucking children" 

or something like that. Today all I could say was "you're awful"

Hans just got home and we chatted about the work day and we did both kind of figure out what bug got up my coworkers ass but there were multiple ways to handle this and making me look stupid in front of people was not the correct one. 

I also pathetically came home and said to the cat "mama has the blues"

I wish I could handle confrontation so I could say something like "I think you are being rude" That is such a simple action but I just can't do it. Everyone always says I am intimidating and that I walk around and I just ooze confidence but I am kind of the worst. I basically just hide and get sad. Unless of course I know for a fact that I am in charge. Like when I am a Stage Manager. When I am in that position I know exactly where I stand and get stuff done. Sometimes I think I would be a way better manager than a regular worker. Don't get me wrong I work super hard and I always do my best but this job has taught me a few things about working and myself. I think I am an awesome manager and although it seems like a good idea you don't always need to try to be friends with people at work because it will often bite you in the ass. 

Well this has been a long tirade and I think it should come to a close so I can try relaxing and at least turn my evening around. 
In an effort to streamline things a bit more and have less paper clutter bugging the crap out of me I'm starting to actually scan my papers. Now part of me wishes I would have started this sooner as I did finally give up some papers that maybe I should have kept but...actually I'm not sure I would ever need them but I think I might have felt better if I had scanned them.. anyway...whatever..its done. 

Doxie is a thin scanner that very easily scans and has idiot proof software. At least I really hope it is idiot proof because I can't imagine a program being any easier to use. So far I have only scanned pay stubs and time cards but I'm feeling really damn good about this. If I can cut down on the junk in my file cabinet I will be immensely please with myself. Bring on photo of the day:

photo a day #9

I really do love my Doxie, and by "my" I mean it really belongs to Hans :)

Aside from this scanning project I had kind of a good day. Had lunch with a coworker, got a free water bottle from my boss, and then totally scored items I needed (but didn't expect to find and honestly wasn't looking for on this trip) while shopping. Pretty freaking great. Oh and I had a ton of emails that made me feel super popular. yay! 
I went to the gym! I've had a gym membership since July and I have only been a handful of times because ..well..I'm an idiot. I got so caught up in shows and just being plain tired from work that I just didn't have the strength to go and sometimes when I really truly wanted to go it was just so crazy late in the day that I guess I worried a little bit about my safety. You can definitely tell that it is the New Year though. I walked into the gym and it was absolutely packed. I managed to find the one non-broken, not in use cardio machine and I'm really glad I did. I honestly think people were avoiding it because the machine gets non-stop air conditioning blowing on it in full force, which to me was a life saver. I have a number of physical problems including knees that constantly hurt. It is super painful to run so I can't just go outside and run around, I have to use some sort of elliptical style machine that has a more fluid motion. I suppose what I need to use isn't important, but what is important is that I ran fro 41 minutes. This is a huge accomplishment for me. Even when I was working out with a trainer he wouldn't make me run for more than 10 minutes. I have never ever run for more than 15 minutes and that was pushing it. I've almost always stuck to a bike if I wanted any long amount of cardio. I guess this seems silly but I am amazingly proud of myself. I suppose I would have been more proud if I also did a really kick ass work out after that but the place was so full that I couldn't find an empty machine and I'm always terrified that I am using free weights wrong. Shhh... Megan don't talk about that other part, continue to be super excited that you accomplished something you never have until now. YAY!!!

 I have more to say about health and fitness but I can't get over not knowing what that loud Boom was in North Hollywood a little while ago. No one seems to know what it was but many people heard it and felt it. (internal edit, was still writing this blog when this was posted to my facebook page where I questioned what the noise was... still no answer but at least LA times did a write up http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/lanow/2013/01/north-hollywood-explosion-sonic-boom-mystery.html)  this is driving me crazy....especially because I still hear helicopters. What I should do is stop worrying about it, everyone is fine let's move on to photo of the day!

photo a day #8

My family has a habit of saving christmas paper and boxes. During this past christmas I heard one of my family members say "I've seen the same box for 10 years" which is actually an accurate statement. Hans and I have been having a family christmas whether we are with his family, my family, or apart and then we open presents together at home. Even though I'm at home and don't have to save any paper, boxes or bags I still have the urge to. Hans tries to stop me but he only half succeeds. He'll see the same polar bear bag next year.. But this year I was more willing to throw away in an effort to cut down on the stuff I have but I couldn't resist this one box top which has been sitting on the floor for quite some time. I insisted on keeping it because I wanted to cut out the adorable penguin on it. Well tonight, tonight I decided I'm throwing it away. There is no need to keep it. Instead.. photos!!

Look how cute this penguin is just holding a decorated tree
I see you!!!
I don't know what it is about penguins that I love so much but I do. I've never used this word but seriously.... Squee!!!


photo a day #6

There I said it. I admitted my love for Poquito Mas. To some this seems like a ridiculous post but for those who really truly know me...you know I can't get enough. Saturday morning when I wake up no matter what time I will probably want food from Poquito Mas. Why? I have no idea but it is this ridiculous urge that I can't quite get rid of. I often go around the apartment and ask Hans if it is "burrito'clock" ...It usually isn't. Which is truly unfortunate. Hans and I have our differences but a big one is his love of Chipotle to my love of Poquito Mas. We have dueling "fast food" mexican places that we like to eat at. HOW WILL OUR LOVE SURVIVE????  
I am often prone to over dramatics. I apologize. Moving on.. But seriously I love this place and I have a feeling it has to do with the fact that I generally dislike salsa but this is the first place I ever liked any. I have no idea what it is made of, no idea what it is called but it is so delicious. It also got me through a big unhappy moment in life when I was gluten free and basically couldn't figure out how to eat out with friends without breaking down in tears. Their corn tortillas were the answer in my time of need. 

This post is absolutely ridiculous. I am aware but if you love something.. ya just love it. :)